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at 5:48pm on 23rd October 2024

(John Batten talks about his 'GOING' photograph - and links the image to the new premises of two leading auction houses in Central Hong Kong - in English & Chinese. Originally published in Artomity, October 2024) Please scroll down for English.



Above image:

1/ John Batten: ‘GOING’, with airplane in distance, at end of day, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 19 July 2024

約翰百德:《「GOING」,遠處有飛機,日暮時分,香港九龍尖沙咀,2024年 7月19日》






隨著拍品的 「最終出價」 被喊出,拍賣師舉起拍賣槌,此時競拍者不再出價,拍賣師喊著「要成交了,要成交了」,最後果斷落槌,喊道:「成交!」




與此同時,佳士得已租下The Henderson的場地。這一新建築由扎哈‧哈迪德建築事務所設計,坐落在中銀大廈前方,能夠俯瞰遮打花園。其室內設計十分精緻,由創立於香港的國際建築事務所COLLECTIVE操刀,內部設有可移動的隔板以及私人客戶區域。佳士得新亞太區總部佔地50,000平方呎,分佈在相互連通的四層空間之中。七樓可迅速從展示廳變身為專門的拍賣廳。兩家拍賣行都將在各自的新場地全年舉辦展覽和拍賣會,取代此前在香港會議展覽中心舉辦的季度性大型拍賣會。


「GOING」這張照片,是我於傍晚時分站在尖沙咀海濱、香港文化中心前的高架行人徑上拍攝的。當時,我正全神貫注地盯著西九龍環球貿易廣場上不停變換的發光文字。就在 「GOING」 這個詞出現的時候,我偶然發現相機觀景窗遠端有個小斑點,是架飛機。於是我迅速調整構圖,抓拍了下來。在香港這個炎炎夏日將盡之時,那從白晝過渡到黑夜的天空,格外令我傾心。



'Another World', shop entrance promotion display and painting by Hong Kong artist Tobe Kan, Sotheby's, Central, Hong Kong, 22 August 2024 (photo: John Batten)




by John Batten

“Final bids” on an auction item are called, then, with hammer raised and nothing more from bidders, the auctioneer’s “going, going” brings it to an end: “sold!”

This photograph hasn’t much to do with auctions, but it was taken as Sotheby’s and Christie’s were both preparing a radical reorientation of their businesses in Hong Kong. Taking over a space previously occupied by Armani fashion, Sotheby’s new first floor retail spaces in the CBD’s Chater House will sell a range of artwork, including designer furniture and antiquities, on consignment and, no doubt, dabble in art’s primary market, artwork directly from an artist: always a point of chagrin for galleries who believe auction houses should deal only in the secondary art market. At ground level is another large viewing space that will host their auction floor.


Meanwhile, Christie’s has taken space at The Henderson, Zaha Hadid Architects’ newly completed building in front of The Bank of China Tower and overlooking Chater Garden. The smart interior design, with moveable panels and private client areas, is by Hong Kong-founded international architecture office COLLECTIVE. Christie’s new Asia Pacific headquarters covers 50,000 square feet over four interconnected floors. The seventh floor can be quickly converted from a viewing gallery into a dedicated auction room. Both auction houses will hold exhibitions and auctions throughout the year in their new spaces, replacing their large seasonal auctions previously held at the Hong Kong Convention Centre.


‘GOING’ is a photograph taken as I was standing on the elevated walkway in front of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre alongside the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront at dusk. I was focused on the changing illuminated text on the ICC building at West Kowloon. As ‘GOING’ appeared I realised a small speck on the far side of the camera’s view-finder was an airplane. I very quickly adjusted the in-camera composition and had a moment to photograph it. I particularly like the day-to-night sky at the end of this hot Hong Kong summer day.



Young visitors wearing 'Frozen' dresses in front of Jeff Koons' Balloon Swan (Red), 2004-2011, Christie's, Central, Hong Kong, 23 September 2024 (photo: John Batten)

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