Archived Reviews
October 2020
劉君宇 (Virginia LIU)
現實中的虛幻: Tamas Waliczky帶我從古埃及到他的威尼斯雙年展 | Life as ‘ignis fatuus’: The Voyage with Tamas Waliczky from Ancient Egypt to the Venice Biennial
劉清華 (Jess Ching-wa LAU)
張煒森 (Eddie Wai Sum CHEUNG)
喘息於不可抗力 – 鍾正《不宜呼吸》
吉暝水 (Grace GUT)
梁詠珊 (LEUNG Wing Shan)
奇恥大辱 | The Ultimate Humiliation
約翰百德 (John BATTEN)
梁展峰 (Jeff Chin Fung LEUNG)
Le “Club 64/71”, un café hongkongais en passe de devenir mythique (in French)
敖樹克 (Gerard HENRY)
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of AICAHK.