Art Issues
- Venice BiennaleThe latest article on a special issue topic is below. Other articles on the same topic can be read by clicking on the 'Archive' year and month on the side-bar.
What Is the Sound of Failed Aspirations? Samson Young's Songs For Disaster Relief
Yeewan KOON
at 10:58am on 26th September 2017

All photos courtesy of the artist.
(原文以英文發表,評論〈楊嘉輝的賑災專輯〉- 香港在威尼斯展覽)
This review was first published in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art Vol. 16 No. 5 (September/October 2017). 原文刊於《典藏》國際版第15卷2017年9-10月。