三岔口上説「中國行為藝術」,談何容易? / To Speak of Chinese Performance Art at the Crossroads Is Easier Said Than Done
魂游 (wen yau)
Excuse me, where is the market?: Roy Ng Ting Ho, Wong Ka Wing, Vivian Ho, Wong Tin Yan, KACAMA
John BATTEN (約翰百德)
Philippines’ Heritage & Art at the Bellas Artes Project
John Batten (約翰百德)
The truth matters – why questions need to be asked (about HKADC and M+’s collaboration in the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013) 真相攸關 — 為甚麼要就香港藝術發展局與西九文化區視覺文化博物館M+於2013年第55 屆威尼斯雙年展的合作提出問題?
楊陽 (Yang YEUNG)
免責聲明: 本欄文章內容純屬作者個人觀點或意見,均不代表國際藝評人協會香港分會的立場。