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What’s Behind Northeast Thailand’s Grassroots Art Revolution? | ArtReview
Space race: how the pandemic is pushing museums to rethink design | The Art Newspaper
Can Performance Art Make It Through the Social-Distancing Era With Its Soul Intact? | artnet
Still Life Objects | "Hong Kong House" in Tsunan, Niigata, Japan
From Warhol to Steve McQueen: a history of video art in 30 works | The Guardian
Collectors’ Reversals of Fortune Can Mean a Payday for Auction Houses—or Spell Disaster | ARTnews
British Museum Acquires Rarely Seen Hokusai Drawings | British Museum
The 25 Works of Art That Define the Contemporary Age | New York Times
藍天之下:我們時代的精神狀況 | 臺北市立美術館
Introducing Arts: Innovative new short films, audio and interactive works from young artists | BBC